One of the most meaningful aspects of the trip will be our visit to the Botshabelo orphanage for children orphaned by AIDs. It is here that we will have the chance to give back to a country that will be offering us so much hospitality and eye opening experiences. We will also be bringing donations to charitable projects such as, Philani Child Nutrition Project and Mylife Homeless Childrens’ Project, charities that have been equally vital to the easing of life for young South Africans affected by severe poverty.
One of the really beneficial things about this trip is that we will not only be forming mutual relationships with the people of South Africa but its animals as well. For the last three days of the trip we will be going on Safari in Kruger National Park, where we will get the chance to study the animals of the savannah and brainstorm ways that we can help out endangered Savannah animals such as the Cheetah whose existence in the world is hanging by a thread.
It is hard to say now whether I am more excited for all the exciting adventures that are sure to await me in this mystical country or for the moment when my class and I deliver to the charities all the donations we have spent months gathering. It has taken a lot of hard work, but no matter how large the physical gifts; they are a small price to pay for the gift of inner happiness that we are sure to experience as we journey to South Africa which as Desmond Tutu has said: “…so utterly improbably, is a beacon of hope in a dark and troubled world.”
Thanks for the background.
We watched “Angels in the Dust,” the movie about the Botshobelo project. The lives of these children break your heart. I thnk its great that you will visit and contribute much needed clothes, diapers and connection to these children.
Beautifully said, Quincy, thank you.